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In this dynamic world markets is play a crucial role to run the economic system and decrease and increase of GDP of any country. There are two key players which drive the entire market – one is job seeker and the other one is job provider .

Who  is job seeker and job provider ? now lets understand . job seekers are the person who are actively searching for employment opportunities to utilize their skills , gain experience and to earn livelihood .They come from diverse backgrounds posses varying qualification and skills .

On the other hand job providers are the individuals who offers employment opportunities to job seekers .They range from small businesses to multinational corporations , seeking talented individual  to fill vacancies and contribute to their growth.  The interaction between job seeker and job providers form the foundation of the employment landscape, where individuals find meaningful work and organizations acquire necessary talent to thrive. 


Now lets look at the why there is a wide gap between the job provider and the job seeker? If we look at around us we can see that every individual has been engaged in some time work for earnig their livelihood , in these individual some have their own work {owner/Boss} , while some are the employee who work under the authorities and earn  a fixed salary on daily or monthly bases. In these the person who are owner has always try to maximize their profit and he also able to gave opportunities of employment in their business or company to many peoplr according to need and the job seeker depend on that company.

In our country India where there is tough competion between the individuals for jobs. Everyone trying to get job in any condition to earn their livelihood.

We can also see that the growing population of our county is also a challenge for the employment . The avilability of job is depends on two things – one is that you have some  ideas so that you can able to run a business by own and the other you have some skills so that any private organization or any other can hire you for their development or for their benfits .

But the problem is that from the old eduction system we learn only to get job , every middle class students have hear that (padega likhega toh acchi naukri milegi) from  that most of the individuals focus only to get good marks and  they forget to shapen their skills , they only focus to get good marks like 80 pecent + 90 pecent . and after completing studies when they come out for earning livelihood they found tough competion in the markets because everyone come to get job only few in the market who are able  to provide job and the problem of unemploment starts with growing population  among job seekers who have not any skills or their own idea , they have just a piece of paper with good marks or degrees . 

Another problem for unemployemt is that some individuals are frightened to take risk for opening their own startups or their own business .some thinks it will need high investment , fear of loss or many others problems. 

There is absence of skills in the individuals so they are not fit for the job. They have not leanrtv any special thing which would be beneficial for any organiztion

If we talk about todays digital world where technology plays a important role in any field related to economy, it covers global markets digital worls , stock exchange , gaming platform , social media handles like twitter,  facebook , instagram and many more.

Those people who had knowledge about these technologies have genterate lot of income from there home by just uploading content, collaboration,blogging and by advertising or promoting products of private companies.

In educ

ation system the knowledge of these technologies helps to generate a employment opportunities for many individuals.

Intoduction of – artificial intelligence (AI)

                               -  Starlink

                               - Gemini in androids

There is also some demirits of these technologies like AI and starlink because it collapse the emplomyment opportunities of many people. the work of many people can do only by AI .this would become problem in future .

How to reduce these Gap between job seeker and job provider.

The education system try to introduce some skill development course so that every student can sharp their skills accirding to their interest . 

Not pressurize any individual to to focus any things in ehich they  are not interested. Try to motivate them to focus them on a particulars things in which they are interested and help them to enchance there skills.

Try to given priority to domestic good so that our markets can depends on the foreign for the goods and employment.


The gap between the job seeker and job provider can never be ends but we can reduce it by improving or enchancing our skills pr try to get knowledge of modern world where technologies play crucial role in every field.

We have to choose our passio according to our interest and never run in the the sheep race . we have to try to run our own business or styarups because it can helps to reduce the gap of job seeker and job provider and also helps to increase the domestic value of any currency of  our nation.

So try to be a job provider not job seeker.




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